Elementary School Program


Wicomico Day School’s K4 program provides age-appropriate learning experiences that address the social, emotional, cognitive, academic, and physical needs of young children. Through exploration and play, children gain opportunities to solve problems, understand concepts, gain self-confidence, develop creativity, foster relationships, and practice fine and gross motor skills. Children in the K4 program are encouraged to see themselves as capable learners, to develop reading, writing and math skills, and to cooperate with other children and adults.  

K5 - Grade 4 

Wicomico Day School provides children in K5 through fourth grade a comprehensive foundation of learning. A strong reading, writing, and history curriculum, coupled with hands-on math and science instruction, are key components in the early grades. Additional classes in music, theatre, art, Spanish, computers, environmental science, physical education, and health-safety-nutrition underscore our commitment to providing a well-rounded educational experience. The challenging curriculum develops the work habits and knowledge children need to thrive in middle school.

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